InvestorData founder Mike Jenkins married Jill 1986 and they have a twenty-something daughter and a teenaged son.
Mike's focus 1979-2007 was pioneering software systems for referrals from clients.
Mike's focus 1979-2007 was pioneering software systems for referrals from clients.
Now, Mike's interest in developing unattended / standalone systems that call for help if they need has grown, and accelerated along with the Internet.
Today he builds Internet based services for niche markets with a view to gaining prepayment for access to the service.
Discovery is seeing what everyone sees,
Mike's passion includes helping others, and imagining (day-dreaming) what can be created.
Mike's strengths include tackling problems in a structured manner and seeing things through to completion, with his sleeves rolled up if required.
Mike loves creating systems that fulfill a need. In 1996, he founded InvestorData, an automated JSE data vendor, which has provided quality data to his subscribers daily for over 15 years. Even Standard Bank refer their online trading clients to InvestorData for their EOD data at the suggestion of the JSE.
If you're thinking of buying software to monitor the JSE, or you've purchased software and looking for a quality data feed, proceed to find out more about InvestorData
Perhaps you are a returning subscriber, or a friend has given you the heads-up on dealing with InvestorData so wish to request a subform.
Today he builds Internet based services for niche markets with a view to gaining prepayment for access to the service.
Discovery is seeing what everyone sees,
but thinking what no-one has thought.
Mike's passion includes helping others, and imagining (day-dreaming) what can be created.
Mike's strengths include tackling problems in a structured manner and seeing things through to completion, with his sleeves rolled up if required.
Mike loves creating systems that fulfill a need. In 1996, he founded InvestorData, an automated JSE data vendor, which has provided quality data to his subscribers daily for over 15 years. Even Standard Bank refer their online trading clients to InvestorData for their EOD data at the suggestion of the JSE.
If you're thinking of buying software to monitor the JSE, or you've purchased software and looking for a quality data feed, proceed to find out more about InvestorData
Perhaps you are a returning subscriber, or a friend has given you the heads-up on dealing with InvestorData so wish to request a subform.