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InvestorData started in 1996 and is a provider of high quality stock market data at an excellent price. The founders of InvestorData have been developing systems and databases since 1980 and are considered experts by their clients and peers alike.

InvestorData focuses on providing end-of-day pricing data for all stocks listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. This includes shares, indices, futures, warrants, unit trusts, and much more. The database we offer has a very extensive, multi-decade history and is compatible with a wide range of 3rd party applications including MetaStock, Advanced Charts, AmiBroker, and many more.

Over the years InvestorData has built a customer base which numbers in the thousands and we are proud to say that our clients stay with our services for the very long-term.

Recently we have partnered with TimBukOne (Pty) Ltd, a leading provider of databases and applications to the institutional investor market. Almost every major South African institutional investor is a user of their services. This collaboration provides InvestorData with a market for its data to the most demanding of users requiring the highest data standards and quality. And that means quality data for you too!